Over the past many years, we have compiled a photo database of wildflowers and weeds growing in the Lesmurdie Falls immediate area. We are not botanists but are interested amateurs and the database is our effort to understand this local area. It is meant to be quite comprehensive, although not exhaustive. We have categorized the photos according to which of the walk trails in the City of Kalamunda we followed – Lewis Road, Palm Terraceand Lion’s Lookout – as well as the area now being rehabilitated by the friends of the Upper Lesmurdie Falls.
You can now search the database below. Carmel & Terry Ballinger (Propagation group leaders)
HOW TO USE o To start with, all images are selected – showing a group of 100 at a time – you can change this to any number. o Filter the images selected by entering part or full names or selecting a colour, flowering time, location, distribution, weeds or natives. o Change group size in ‘Show’ (enter a number). o Use < and > arrows to show next/previous group from selected images. o Touch screens can also swipe right/left for next/previous group – so use 2 fingers to scroll right/left. o Click on a thumbnail to see the detailed photo and click on the detailed photo to go back. o Use + and – to zoom in and out of the detailed photo. o Click on ‘More Photos’ to see all images for the species, click on ‘Less Photos’ to go back to one image. o Click on ‘Distribution’ to list all local government areas for the species, click again or on the list to close.