The Propagation Group (Carmel , Terry, Angie, Marie, Steph, Robin, Vanessa and Jo) have become a major supplier of home grown plants to support our planting needs.
After many years of accumulating a reasonable local provenance seed collection for commercial nurseries to grow plants for us, a group lead by Terry and Carmel moved to growing more of our plants ourselves. By 2021 the total of home grown plants was around 2,000 in a total planting of about 3,500.
The group was launched early 2022 after many years of experimentation by Terry and Carmel and other members in the best practice for cultivating as large a variety of local native plants as possible. This small dedicated group has proven highly productive, sowing seeds and taking cuttings of 40 plus species.
Moving from Terry and Carmel’s back garden, they now operate from FOULF’s shade houses and shaded greenhouses at the rear of Kalamunda Mens Shed (fabricated and erected by Dick).
2022 was also a great year with propagation of our own plants. There were two main activities – the harvesting and potting on of Machaerina laxa (a busy bee activity) and the work done by the Propagation group with both seeds and cuttings. With a couple of thousand Machaerina and even greater numbers of seeds and cuttings from the Propagation Group, we found ourselves producing very significant numbers of plants. If we can continue this level of production, our requirement for nursery purchased stock will be greatly reduced.
Learn more about the the Propagation group’s activities – in their regular feature in our newsletter, ‘Creek Lines‘